Pop-up cafe tool manual

Pop-up cafes are an easy and fun way to engage with your local community and a great way to get in touch with the people living and using the neighbourhood. […]

Playful neighbourhood process methodology

Cities are developing and implementing new methods that involve citizens in the creation of urban spaces, but more radically, emphasis has been put on participation throughout the entire process: from […]

Plant and seed swap tool

The free manual will walk you through all steps of how to organize a plant or seed swap and provide you with information on how you can engage your community […]

Place Game Manual

If you want to improve the sense of place in an area you work on, create a higher sense of involvement in the local community using a simple, flexible, and […]


The pictogramming method is a participatory method that can reveal how communities can use a place to further create dialogue on the behavioral patterns of the users. It is well […]

Open Call for Ideas Handbook

The „Open Call“ is a tool for the joint appropriation and design of public space that mobilises the local community to engage. The temporary activation of public spaces (“enabling spots”) […]

Mobile Research Station

This tool guides you through how to take your research outside by using a simple wooden structure on wheels that allows passersby to answer various questions and express their opinions. […]

Huasipichanga Methodology

This manual is thought to guide you through the process of co-creation in the (re)activation of public spaces. It explains every phase you can implement while linking them to a […]

Eye Level Game

Bring new liveliness in your street by hosting an Eye Level Game: celebrate the importance of human scale and approach an urban area from the pedestrian’s point of view. This […]




24th — 27th

September, 2024

Creating better
cities together

We would love to feature active placemakers within our network and on our website. Please let us know by filling out this form: