Park(ing) Day

How to participate in Park(ing) Day?


Rebar Studio

Process Step

In cities around the world, parallel parking stimulates car dependency leading to increased congestion, rising pollution, and less space for people. The approaches that generate these conditions are no longer sustainable or ecological, nor do they promote a healthy, vibrant urban human habitat. It is therefore time to reimagine the way streets are used and to see which possibilities arise in reinventing the public space.

Want to contribute?

The Placemaking Europe Toolbox is a collection of curated placemaking resources for all to access, learn from, and practice.




We would love to feature active placemakers and placemaking projects in our community page, please fill the form below so we can get in touch with you:

24th — 27th

September, 2024

Creating better
cities together

We would love to feature active placemakers within our network and on our website. Please let us know by filling out this form: