In May 2023, Make Space for Girls asked people to take part in a citizen science project, counting how many teenagers were using the facilities in their local park, and […]
First life, then space, then buildings (Dutch version)
One of the crucial first steps that we at STIPO often take is as Jan Gehl says: “first life, then space, then buildings”. So we think about life first. Then […]
First life, then space, then buildings (English version)
One of the crucial first steps that we at STIPO often take is as Jan Gehl says: “first life, then space, then buildings”. So we think about life first. Then […]
Usage analysis, a placemaking tool
This Ville Hybride publication aims to facilitate user-centric urban design through usage analysis. This publication includes a step-by-step guide along with a printable worksheet for conducting time-sensitive and gender-sensitive space […]
Temporary Modular Furniture Tool
Modular furniture is an easy way to provide temporary solutions for public spaces. From seating options like benches and chairs, to tables, mini-gardens, and functional art pieces, this type of […]
Ownership Rating
Sense of ownership is the sense of control and responsibility that local residents have over their close living environment. The design and maintenance of public space and the different visions […]
Tunnel Tool
During the modern period, the strategy of creating safe school routes for children and separating them from cars by building tunnels was a popular solution to eliminate the need for […]
The Radius
The manual motivates you to use the 15-minute city concept with public space analysis in order to get to know your project, on either the block or city scale, more […]
Plinth Rating Manual
Transforming a street, a district, an inner city, or creating a new district with a great city at eye level takes years and usually involves incremental steps forward. Nevertheless, it’s […]
Placemaking Toolkit in rapid urbanization context
This toolkit developed by Public Space Network aims to provide guidelines to anybody who wants to transform a neglected public open space in their area into a clean and safe […]