The Suitcase
Behind the enigmatic term “the suitcase” lies a simple DIY (Do It Yourself) concept : an easily transportable, attractive and readable ensemble that enables the visualisation of a project, evolves […]
The Spiel Mobile
The Spiel Mobile tool provides for mobile, pop-up consultation that is playful, engaging, and meaningful. It creates a space that attracts and engages people of all ages and abilities in […]
The Radius
The manual motivates you to use the 15-minute city concept with public space analysis in order to get to know your project, on either the block or city scale, more […]
The City at Eye Level for Kids
If you want to co-design neighbourhoods and city centres that are healthy, safe, accessible, interactive and stimulating for children and their parents, here is the solution you need – The […]
Sticker democracy tool
The sticker democracy tool is an engaging low threshold tool that’s perfect to explore your community’s needs and wishes, to get feedback, and to evaluate your ongoing process. It allows […]
Problem Tree
By using the Problem Tree tool, the participants get the chance to hold open conversations about their neighborhood’s problems, voice their concerns and expectations, and suggest some solutions, all while […]
Pop-up cafe tool manual
Pop-up cafes are an easy and fun way to engage with your local community and a great way to get in touch with the people living and using the neighbourhood. […]
Plinth Rating Manual
Transforming a street, a district, an inner city, or creating a new district with a great city at eye level takes years and usually involves incremental steps forward. Nevertheless, it’s […]
Plant and seed swap tool
The free manual will walk you through all steps of how to organize a plant or seed swap and provide you with information on how you can engage your community […]