Brief interview to Gabriella Gómez-Mont

"In the last couple of decades governments have thought that cities should do is optimize for efficiency and productivity. And that's incredibly important but I think it's even more important to go back to those big questions of how do you want to live together."
Gabriella Gómez-Mont

Interview with Gabriella Garcia Gomez, founder of Experimentalista and The Institute for Everything In-Between. She shares insights from her work as Mexico City’s former Chief Creative Officer and founder of the award-winning Laboratorio para la Ciudad, reflecting on creativity and placemaking.


Gabriella Gómez-Mont

Gabriella Gómez-Mont is the Founder and Principal of Experimentalista, a creative studio that specializes in cities, public imagination, and system change. She is also the Founder and former director of Laboratorio para la Ciudad, the experimental think-tank for the Mexico City government. Gabriella’s work spans across journalism, visual arts, and documentary filmmaking, and she has received numer

About the author

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24th — 27th

September, 2024

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