
Regreeneration aims to operationalize greening and renaturing solutions across Europe

Inclusive City

InclusiveCity aims at rethinking placemaking and the 15-minute city concept through the lens of social inclusion, diversity and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

Neighbourhood Fest & Park[ing] Day for Fitness

Park(ing) Day for Fitness builds on the original Park(ing) Day concept – taking over a parking spot for your own human-scale and community use – now with physical activity, movement, or fitness in mind.

Tooltest Day Initiative

The Tooltest working group is a collective of Placemaking Europe leaders that work on testing, measuring and improving placemaking tools.




We would love to feature active placemakers and placemaking projects in our community page, please fill the form below so we can get in touch with you:

24th — 27th

September, 2024

Creating better
cities together

We would love to feature active placemakers within our network and on our website. Please let us know by filling out this form: