Mission & vision

We are a European network of front-runners, who together accelerate placemaking as a way to create healthy, inclusive, and beloved communities. To make the spaces we live into places we love. Create a thriving, equitable, and sustainable world by joining values, passion, and action around our public spaces.

Our Values

Uphold standards for kindness, creativity, and inclusion. The work ethics entail no professional prejudice, simply embracing the human scale. We are playful, creative and approachable.

Enthusiastic for new knowledge and to share our information and experiences open source,  based on mutual respect of each other’s view, a positive attitude, empathy, and honesty.

Elevate cooperation and knowledge exchange through the sharing of stories and tools, presenting best-practices and placing open-calls for help.

Invite the Board, the Leaders and all other participants to join us in endeavours towards joyful cities and thriving places.

Aspire to scale up thoughts, skills, and the execution of placemaking projects to help the network grow, while keeping our word on our promises.

The work we do

Cities in Placemaking

A city-to-city learning programme with and for European cities

Placemaking for Active Recreation Kit (PARK)

The project’s overall objective is to link placemakers, such as grassroots urban designers, and grassroots sports organisations and professionals.




24th — 27th

September, 2024

Creating better
cities together

We would love to feature active placemakers within our network and on our website. Please let us know by filling out this form: