Creating a digital communal dinner

How to bring a community together in times of social distancing


Camilo Heredia, Mathias S. Michelsen, Clara J. Reich

Process Step

In 2019 CREWS invited all residents of Oslo to join their communal dinner with Oslo’s longest dining table. They served dinner made from ingredients harvested in the park and other urban gardens in Oslo. In 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, they developed a concept to create a free digital communal dinner inviting people to receive a bag of locally grown vegetables, make soup at home, and post pictures to social media using the hashtag #OslosLengsteLangbord. The tool will walk you through all steps of how to create your digital communal dinner with locally grown vegetables. It’s a Covid-19 proof placemaking tool that brings some joy into your community.

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The Placemaking Europe Toolbox is a collection of curated placemaking resources for all to access, learn from, and practice.




24th — 27th

September, 2024

Creating better
cities together

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