- Working Groups
KIDS Working Group
The KIDS Working Group focuses on children’s well being, and their interaction with space and the city. Their aim is to use placemaking to create child-friendly cities.
We aim to give a voice to children in the city. Therefore, our current project is a research to collect data of what children think about the city and the spaces surrounding them. We conduct interviews with children to hear, understand and disseminate their point of view.
By collecting data from different cities in Europe, the group aspires to compare the results and create a map of the level of child-friendliness of the cities throughout the continent according to children’s point of view.
- Give children a voice and a role in decision-making for urban development.
- Raise awareness about the positive impact children’s opinion could bring to society.
- Compare the different European urban realities in relation to child-responsive planning.
Core values
Ideas for change
To foster innovative aproaches and perspectives in urban development.
Systemic impact
To achieve broad socio-spatial impact we need systemic solutions.
To avoid discrimination and promote empowerment.
To ensure inclusion and innovation within the development process.
Children's voice first
To create sustainable long-term and resilient solutions.
There are some tools from our Toolbox related to KIDS Working Group. Browse through the entries and learn more!
During the webinar, The Placemaking Europe Kids shared about the latest activities and created a momentum for discussion and knowledge exchange about working with and for children, thus, how we can create urban areas as better places for them and the rest of the community. The participating speakers represented organizations, professionals and individuals from diverse European countries and beyond.
Want to join us?
The KIDS Working Group have been meeting weekly from February 2020 – July 2020, and now plan to meet monthly. Stay tuned for more details about the upcoming meeting.